The KwaDukuza Municipality occupies a coastal and inland stretch with a variety of clustered and ad hoc settlements and small towns. The municipality has a population of approximately 276,719 inhabitants. The municipality is linked with a well-developed network of roads and rail infrastructure. The key feature of KwaDukuza is the N2 Development Corridor that runs through it. The name KwaDukuza epitomises the historical background of the area being the home to King Shaka. The town KwaDukuza is built on the original site of King Shaka’s Royal settlement called Dukuza. The population dynamics of KwaDukuza municipality is highly diverse due its multi-racial composition and rich settlement history. The KwaDukuza municipal area is characterised by areas where major service backlogs exist. The needs vary from a predominant need for safe drinking water, sanitation and electricity in the more rural to peri-urban areas, to basic sanitation and housing in the more urban informal and peri-urban areas. The municipality addresses the backlogs, whilst also maintaining the acceptable level of services in the already developed areas.